
How it all started

It all started with a teleseminar. I realized that I could have my own educational website. There have been many challenges. I continue to change as technology changes.

Our story

In the beginning, I thought I’d follow in my father’s footsteps and become a Doctor of Chiropractic. I completed the pre-med curriculum at the University of Kansas. I found out about the MBA program and thought that could be helpful. So, I stayed at KU and completed my MBA.

One of the profs suggested that we put our resumes in the KU resume book. I did and was hired by IBM. I was trained as a systems engineer. I went from knowing nothing about computers to being able program.

My father died at the age of 50. I had a wonderful experience with one of his patients who had been diagnosed with an untreatable condition and got well because he saw my dad. I decided to go back to the original plan and enrolled at Palmer College of Chiropractic.

During an x-ray class the teacher mentioned that the Chiropractic Technician’s program was looking for teachers. I applied and was hired to teach clinical laboratory methods. That was the beginning of my teaching career. I love it.

My father-in-law was Dean of Rehab Medicine at University of Alberta. He was on sabbatical at Western Washington University when I graduated. He saw an announcement that the business school was looking for a lecturer. I applied and was hired to teach small business. I quit when I opened my chiropractic practice.

I wrote a book on the philosophy and science of chiropractic in 2002 and began using it to teach continuing education seminars. In 2004, Chirocredit began teaching continuing education classes online for chiropractors. I applied to teach philosophy and technique. I did that until 2021, when I decided the courses needed to be updated.

A friend wanted help to get her real estate license. We took the course together and I got my real estate license in 2002. I continue to maintain my real estate license, helping my general contractor son, and friends and relatives. I wrote a book on real estate investing in 2004.

I retired from chiropractic practice in 2021. I’m maintaining my chiropractic license and now I am focusing on teaching, writing, speaking, facilitating.

My approach

My approach is to give no-nonsense education that is quick and affordable. By having courses through Udemy and not a university, I don’t have to fill up 50 minutes with a lot of fluff.

Of course, for continuing education, we must be mindful of the time and talk about experiences in the field. I enjoy the back and forth among doctors on how best to help patients.

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